This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Decision-making process for wage subsidy applications in CCOs'.

From: Stephen Ward  
Sent: Monday, 30 March 2020 11:14 AM 
To: Samantha Rose <[email address]>; Annemarie Booth 
<[email address]> 
Cc: Matthew Hardy <[email address]> 
Subject: FW: Covid-19 - Weekly Situation Reports 
Please see the email train from Warwick Hayes below.  It appears that we need to stay committed to 
our obligations to pay the living wage, so although we will only get a subsidy for 80% of wages, we 
will need to top up to contract level, for both permanent and casual staff. 
This is likely to be something that will be checked at audit time. 
Please call or email me if you have any questions or concerns. 
Ngā mihi nui 
Stephen Ward | Acting Chief Executive 
Level 4, 276 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, NEW ZEALAND 
Post: PO BOX 25094, Wellington 6146, NEW ZEALAND 
EMAIL: [email address] 
Follow us on: Facebook I Instagram 
From: Warwick Hayes <[email address]>  
Sent: Friday, 27 March 2020 12:44 PM 
To: Stephen Ward <[email address]> 
Cc: Danny McComb <[email address]>; Andy Matthews 
<[email address]> 
Subject: RE: Covid-19 - Weekly Situation Reports 
Hi Stephen 
Thanks, appreciated.   
I’ll see what we have in the virtual space for learning Te Reo.   
In terms of living wage – Council is not retracing its steps here so this commitment will remain.  It 
would be expected to remain for CCOs too.  Andy might comment further if needed.   

Warwick Hayes 
Projects & CCO Manager  |  Economic & Commercial 
E [email address]   
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. 
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its 
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. 
From: Stephen Ward [mailto:[email address]]  
Sent: Friday, 27 March 2020 12:32 PM 
To: Warwick Hayes 
Cc: Danny McComb; Andy Matthews 
Subject: RE: Covid-19 - Weekly Situation Reports 
Hello Warwick 
Please see attached the weekly update from Wellington Cable Car.   
You will see that I have a question about our obligations to support casual workers.  We will apply 
for the Government support at 80%, are we obligated to pay casual workers at the living wage, if 
they are on special leave for Covid-19? 
Also, does Council have any recommendations for virtual Te Reo language resources that we can 
direct staff to at this time? 
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything further. 
Ngā mihi nui 
Stephen Ward | Acting Chief Executive 
Level 4, 276 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, NEW ZEALAND 
Post: PO BOX 25094, Wellington 6146, NEW ZEALAND 
EMAIL: [email address] 
Follow us on: Facebook I Instagram 

From: Warwick Hayes <[email address]>  
Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2020 3:06 PM 
To: Shane Harmon <[email address]>; Pat Stuart 
<[email address]>; Karen Fifield <[email address]>; 
[email address]; [email address]; [email address]; Stephen 
Ward <[email address]> 
Cc: Danny McComb <[email address]> 
Subject: RE: Covid-19 - Weekly Situation Reports 
Hi all 
I hope everyone is well and settling into the new normal.   
Council is keen to keep abreast of how Covid-19 is affecting (or will affect) CCO activities, staffing 
and finances.  We greatly appreciate the quick daily updates we’re already getting (in some cases) 
but thought it might be helpful to standardise a weekly Situation Report, along the lines of the 
attached.  Don’t feel restricted by the format – but this is what we are interested in.   
Please don’t throw hours of your time into the status/issues update.  Quick brief statements will be 
In terms of cash flows, I appreciate the forecasts may take a bit of time.  If you have these already 
that’s great but don’t necessarily expect to see them tomorrow.  Please do supply what you can as 
soon as possible.   
Sorry to burden you at this time, but this reporting will help keep Council well informed and 
hopefully minimise the need for additional information to Council.   
Warwick Hayes 
Projects & CCO Manager  |  Economic & Commercial 
E [email address]   
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. 
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its 
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. 
From: Warwick Hayes  
Sent: Monday, 23 March 2020 3:38 PM 
To: Shane Harmon; Pat Stuart; Karen Fifield; [email address]; [email address]; 
[email address]; Stephen Ward ([email address]) 
Cc: Danny McComb; Councillor Jenny Condie; Barbara McKerrow 
Subject: Covid-19 - imminent Level 4 
Hi everyone 
Many thanks to those entities that have already informed me of their operations and business plans 
under the imminent Level 4 lock down.   
Going forward, it will be helpful to retain a single point of contact through the CCO team (i.e. myself 
and Danny).  We will involve Barbara and others as needed.   

This will be a unique BAU time for us all.  Please do keep in touch as necessary.   
Warwick Hayes 
Projects & CCO Manager  |  Economic & Commercial 
E [email address]   
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. 
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its 
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. 
From: Linda Vekula On Behalf Of Barbara McKerrow 
Sent: Monday, 23 March 2020 12:02 PM 
To: Shane Harmon; Pat Stuart; Karen Fifield; [email address]; [email address]; 
[email address] 
Cc: Warwick Hayes; Danny McComb; Councillor Jenny Condie 
Subject: 2020/21 Statements of Intent / Financial Forecasts  
Good morning all  
In response to the dynamic environment caused by Covid-19, Council intends to accept all draft 
Statements of Intent without further amendment or discussion of the impacts that could result from 
the Covid-19 pandemic on the draft SOIs.   
At this stage, it is unlikely that the CCO Subcommittee meeting scheduled on 8th April will proceed in 
its planned format and you will not be expected to attend in person nor make any presentation to 
this meeting.   
Looking ahead 
Council would appreciate you continuing to keep us informed, via the CCO team, of the operational 
responses taken by your business to this event, and of any consequent financial implications for your 
As a guide, it would be helpful for the CCO team to receive a three month rolling cash flow forecast, 
updated monthly or as circumstances for your entity materially change.  It would help to include 
brief operational responses as a covering letter or memo with the monthly forecast, for context.   
Resources permitting, this process could begin for the period from 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020 and 
monthly thereafter.   
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Warwick Hayes.   

Barbara Mckerrow 
Chief Executive | | Wellington City Council 
W |   |   
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. 
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its 
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.