This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Rail Heritage'.
Response: OIA2021.90 
14 January 2022 
To Iain Palmer 
Via email: [FYI request #17733 email]  
Dear Iain, 
Information request for: what public good activities in the 2020 financial year KiwiRail 
undertook in support of various rail heritage groups nationwide for which payment 
was not requested and what is KiwiRail’s policy in relation to supporting and 
engaging with these heritage groups.  

I refer to your official information request dated 27 November 2021; KiwiRail’s Official 
Correspondence Unit received this OIA on the 28 November 2021. 
We are responding to your enquiry regarding:  
“What public good activities in the 2020 financial year KiwiRail undertook in support 
of various rail heritage groups nationwide for which payment was not requested and  
What is KiwiRail’s policy in relation to supporting and engaging with these heritage” 
The response to your query is as below. 
KiwiRail engages with different heritage groups across New Zealand on a project-to-
project basis. Most public good activities undertaken to support these groups are not 
formally documented as they are fully resolved within the project team and do not 
require higher notification.  

Of the materials you listed we were unable to find any record of donated goods for the 
financial year of 2020. KiwiRail is unable to confirm what other donated goods were 
given externally to the documented sales.   

Those that request second-hand materials from KiwiRail may be eligible for donations 
via the Public Goodwill Fund.  

There is no formal KiwiRail wide policy in supporting and engaging with heritage 
groups. Each project undertaken will have varying degrees of impact and reason to 
engage, which means it would not be appropriate to issue a singular overarching 

We trust this answers your query. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at 
or by calling free-phone 0800 802 602.  

Yours sincerely  
Official Correspondence Unit