This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Youth Justice policy team'.

Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street 
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[email address] | 
13 May 2024 
Letty Smith 
[FYI request #26427 email] 
Our ref: OIA 111412 
Tēnā koe Letty 
Official Information Act request: Youth Justice 
Thank your email of 15 May 2024 to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) requesting, under the 
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), information about Youth Justice. Specifical y, you 
  I have recently seen that you are recruiting for a senior policy role. I was curious to see 
the name changes of the teams involved in that area, in particular the change from 
victims policy team to victims and youth justice team. Given this, I would like to know: 
- when did this name change occur? 
- when was it decided that Ministry of Justice would have responsibility for youth justice? 
- what communications occurred with the Oranga Tamariki, Corrections and / or Public 
Services Commission in relation to this change? 
- why are you recruiting into this area when there are stil  restructures (and associated 
redundancies) happening in other justice sector agencies, in particular those with 
responsibility for youth justice? 
- why is the closing date for this advertised position so early in light of those restructures 
and redundancies? 
- why was consideration not given to lifting and shifting staff from other justice sector 
agencies with responsibility for youth justice as opposed to open recruitment? 
Pursuant to section 15(1) of the Act, the Ministry has decided to grant your request. A response 
is being prepared; however, we require more time to finalise the information for release. The 
information wil  be provided to you as soon as practicable and no later than 27 May 2024. I 
apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause you.   
If you are not satisfied with this decision, you have the right to make a complaint to the 
Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the Act. The Of ice of the Ombudsman may be contacted on 
0800 802 602 or at: [email address] 
Nāku noa, nā 
Antony Paltridge 
Team Leader, Ministerial Relations and Services