Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2018 09:52:05 +0000 Subject: Your FYI email alert From: FYI Email Robot <[email address]> To: Kathleen Smitheram <[email address]> FOI requests to 'West Coast District Health Board' ================================================== -- Thompson & Clark -- Alex Harris sent a request to West Coast District Health Board (July 05, 2018) "I would like to request the following information under the OIA: * all information relating to, or provided by, Thompson and Clark Private Investi..." -- Thompson & Clark -- West Coast District Health Board sent a response to Alex Harris (July 05, 2018) "Thanks for your message. I'm no longer working for the West Coast District Health Board. Please send any messages to [email address]. For any..." Alter your subscription ======================= [FYI login link] -- the FYI team