We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi please sign in and let everyone know.

Long wait times for NZ Parent grandparent visitor visa and 3 hour wait times for phone enquries

Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi

Dear INZComplaintsandFeedback,

Dear Sir / Madam
INZ Application Number: VV00228604
INZ Application Type: Visitor Visa - Parent and grandparent
INZ Principal Applicant Name: Ammanamanchi Gopala Krishnamurthi
INZ Principal Applicant Date of Birth: 29th December, 1943
Authority to Act has been already submitted by the principal applicant under the visa application.
Authorised Person: Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi

I am writing regarding My Father’s Parent / Grand Parent Visitor Visa. I am appalled by the delays caused. I am the nominated person in his application. I had launched his application on the 28th of October 2022 following the death of my Mother. My father is 80 Years old and while I appreciate everything your department does in protecting our borders, I’m also upset and hurt in the way you are treating your applicants. I’m sure your department knew they will be dealing with senior citizens and their emotions when handling their applications in this category. Of all the categories this must be the one that is acted upon quickly owing to their age and vulnerability. I am very upset about the following:

I am upset about the delays in Medical Reports handling,
About the ambiguity in your medical processing when your team asks for additional reports without providing an explanation why. Do you know it costs a lot to complete these tests and it did in my father’s case.
About keeping the application status field vague & not updating the status in time & not providing an appropriate status
About not answering your phones in time (3 hours wait time) and no apologies. Imagine callers from overseas.
About your frequent changes to the processing time and conditions without letting the individual applicants know of the changes.
I view your department’s handling of applicant’s as rude, lacking respect for the people in this category, lack of due consideration of their age and financial capacity.

When complaining, you ask for us to treat you with courtesy and respect, but I do not see this displayed by your team in their actions. No response and no timely communication to your applicants is an uncourteous act and sheer disrespect.

When I (Citizen of NZ) am going to support my Father financially on all matters when here. I have a right to question this ‘lack lustre service’.

Please put your act together. Raise your concerns if you’re not being heard. I can understand when the department’s needs are ignored but please speak out, say things as it is and communicate. New Zealand is near perfect in all it does, this small thing should not let us be viewed in poor light. Please take this complaint objectively and improve by reversing the trend if possible.

Senior Citizens are not like small children with perfect health. Give them that respect and consideration and show them the warm courtesy we are known for.

***I have my full call recording with commentary showing a 3 hour wait and no regret or apologies expressed for any inconveniences

May God Bless


Yours sincerely,

Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi

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From: Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi

Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,
I am writing this note to advise you that I am withdrawing my request. I have received information that I needed to know for me to act upon. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi

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From: INZComplaintsandFeedback
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Dear Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi,

Thank you for submitting feedback to Immigration New Zealand (INZ) on
08/02/2023 on behalf of Gopala Ammanamanchi via the FYI.Org website.

As requested on 09/02/2023 via FYI.Org this complaint has been withdrawn.

Please note that this case CFS-45711-V4W8K0 has been closed.

You note you are able to submit feedback through INZ's Online Feedback
Page: [1]https://feedback.immigration.govt.nz/ or by email
to: [2][email address].

If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact
the Central Feedback Team at [3][email address].

Kind regards

Central Feedback Team
Immigration New Zealand


Visible links
1. https://feedback.immigration.govt.nz/
2. https://uat-inzcfs.crm6.dynamics.com/too...
3. https://uat-inzcfs.crm6.dynamics.com/too...

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chandrasekhar Ammanamanchi please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment only: