Cost of water infrastructure.

Carl Wiggin made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was successful.

From: Carl Wiggin

Dear Auckland Council,

Please provide the total spending on water infrastructure (maintenance and repair and upgrade) for the last three years.

Costs per year if possible.

Also can you provide the total number of rate payers? This is to allow a calculation of cost per rate payer.

Yours faithfully,

Carl Wiggin

Link to this

From: Official Information
Auckland Council

Hi Carl,


Thank you for your request relating to cost of water infrastructure.


Auckland Council publishes our Annual Report which covers the performance
of Auckland Council Group for each financial year. The report provides
comprehensive information about the group's financial and service
performance results which contains information about water infrastructure
spending and our ratepayers. Please refer to the following link for the
detailed Auckland Council Annual Reports:




Watercare Annual reports are also publicly available through the following




I hope you find this information useful. If you have any further queries,
please contact us at 09 301 0101 or email
[3][Auckland Council request email]


Kind regards

Jenny Hua | Senior Privacy & Official Information Business Partner
Governance Services | Auckland Council
Ph 09 301 0101
Auckland Council, 135 Albert Street, Auckland
Visit our website: [4]


From: Carl Wiggin <[FOI #21866 email]>
Sent: Friday, 17 February 2023 10:59 am
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Cost of water infrastructure.


Dear Auckland Council,

Please provide the total spending on water infrastructure (maintenance and
repair and upgrade) for the last three years.

Costs per year if possible.

Also can you provide the total number of rate payers? This is to allow a
calculation of cost per rate payer.

Yours faithfully,

Carl Wiggin


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[5][FOI #21866 email]

Is [6][Auckland Council request email] the wrong address for
Official Information requests to Auckland Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:

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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA


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may be confidential and may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the
intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message or
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message and attachments. We do not accept responsibility for any viruses
or similar carried with our email, or any effects our email may have on
the recipient computer system or network. Any views expressed in this
email may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily
reflect the views of Council.


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5. mailto:[FOI #21866 email]
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Things to do with this request

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