Number of successfully referred patients to the Anxiety Disorders Service at Hilmorton Hospital, Christchurch

Kyle Hearn made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: Kyle Hearn

Dear Health New Zealand,

There is an Anxiety Disorders Service based at Hilmorton Hospital -

Could you please provide the number of patients successfully referred (as in, began treatment with them), and number of patients discharged from this service over the last 12, 24, and 36 months?

Yours faithfully,

Kyle Hearn

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From: hnzOIA
Health New Zealand

Tēnā koe, 


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From: Kathleen Smitheram

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Attachment ChChD 11072 HNZ 12472 Response 17 3 2023.pdf
223K Download View as HTML

Dear Kyle


Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
ChChD 11072/HNZ 12472.


Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram

Official Information Act Coordinator
Waitaha Canterbury / Te Tai o Poutini West Coast. 

Īmēra/Email: [1][email address]; /
 [2][Health New Zealand request email]
Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand  


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