Wellington City Council employees and the Living Wage

A O'Sullivan made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

The request was successful.

From: A O'Sullivan

Dear Wellington City Council,

Please supply the number of employees advanced from below the Living Wage to the Living Wage since its adoption beginning 1 July 2014.

What is the additional annual cost to the Council (ratepayers) of these increases, viz the annualised difference between the original rate and the new rate.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

A O'Sullivan

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From: BUS: IRO
Wellington City Council

Thank you for your email, sent to the Issues Resolution Office at Wellington City Council.

This email address is monitored daily. Your email will be assessed and actioned in due course.

We appreciate your patience.

Wellington City Council Issues Resolution Office.

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Hello A O'Sullivan,

Thank you for this request, which was received by the Council on 25 February 2015.

We were on course to be able to provide you with the requested information on Monday or Tuesday next week (23/24 March 2015), but there is a need to double check the information first.

As such, we do not envisage being able to provide the information for a further week. I anticipate being able to provide you with a response to your request on 30/31 March 2015.

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance Directorate | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8368 | M 021 227 8368 | F 04 801 3200
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Hello again, A O'Sullivan,

Once again, I need to advise you that the Council is going to provide you with the information you requested.

Unfortunately, the person responsible for the final compilation is away on leave for another week. Once they return, we will endeavour to get the information to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance Directorate | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8368 | M 021 227 8368 | F 04 801 3200
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Attachment IRO 4480 FYI O Sullivan 01.pdf
298K Download View as HTML

Hello A O'Sullivan,

Thank you again for your patience, following your information request.

Please find attached the Council's response to your request.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance Directorate | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8368 | M 021 227 8368 | F 04 801 3200
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

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Things to do with this request

Wellington City Council only: