We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ali please sign in and let everyone know.

Slack chats

Ali made this Official Information request to Radio New Zealand Limited

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ali to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Ali

Dear Radio New Zealand Limited,

I request a list of the names / titles of all RNZ Slack channels, staff group WhatsApp, and MS Teams chats.

I also request screen shots of all messages sent on all RNZ Slack channels, staff group WhatsApp, and MS Teams chats during the following periods:
- 5am and 9am each day for the 14 days ending 5 May 2024.
- 4pm to 6pm each days for the 7 days ending 5 May 2024

Yours faithfully,


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From: OIA Requests
Radio New Zealand Limited

Good afternoon

RNZ acknowledges receipt of your OIA request. Under the Official Information Act 1982 we have 20 working days to respond and will contact you via email /post. If for any reason our response is delayed we will advise you.

Kind regards
Maggie Hedge| OIA Administrator RNZ
[email address]

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From: George Bignell
Radio New Zealand Limited

Attachment image001.png
6K Download

Kia ora Ali


I am writing to see how we can refine your request to identify what is the
actual topic you are interested in please.


My initial work indicates that there are literally hundreds of channels
and chats across the platforms you identify and there could be thousands
of postings to process.  On that basis we would be unable to answer your
request and it is refused under s 18(f) of the Official Information Act,
namely "…that the information requested cannot be made available without
substantial collation or research".


If you wish to refine your request further, we please send us an amended


As we are required to do, this message is to also advise you that our
response to your request can be referred to the Ombudsman’s Office for
review under s 28 (3) of the Official Information Act if you wish.


Kind regards


George Bignell


PO BOX 123 | WELLINGTON | NEW ZEALAND 6140 | [1]www.rnz.co.nz

DDI +64 4 474 1424 | [mobile number]





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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ali please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Radio New Zealand Limited only: