OIA Request

Simon Anderson made this Official Information request to NetSafe Incorporated

Currently waiting for a response from NetSafe Incorporated, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Simon Anderson

Dear Netsafe,

Please provide;

1. A copy of every censoring request or order, or so called "take down" request or order made by Netsafe to the online entites Meta, Facebook, X (nee Twitter), Rumble, Tiktok, Instagram between the dates of 01.01.2024 and 24.04.2024.

2. Please provide a copy of any correspondence to or from Netsafe between the date between the dates of 01.01.2024 and 24.04.2024 that contain any of the following key terms:


Hobson's Pledge


Don Brash



Link to this

Things to do with this request

NetSafe Incorporated only: