Source code of myIR web system

Nick Johnstone made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department

The request was refused by Inland Revenue Department.

From: Nick Johnstone

Dear Inland Revenue Department,

I am writing to request that you provide as much as possible of the underlying source code of the myIR web platform.

I am a professional software developer by trade and I am interested in reviewing this source code for correctness, security issues and learning.

Please also provide any associated operational or design documents for the myIR web platform.

Yours faithfully,
Nick Johnstone

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Good afternoon,

Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982. We will respond to your request within 20 working days from the date of receipt.

Kind regards,

Government & Executive Services

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment Mr N Johnstone OIA signed response.pdf
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Dear Mr Johnstone

Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
of 5 February 2018.


Kind regards

Government and Executive Services


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Things to do with this request

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