Agr Hub Saudi - NZ Partners

Alan Shaw made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

The request was successful.

From: Alan Shaw

Dear New Zealand Trade and Enterprise,

Can you please provide a full list of all NZ agencies, companies and individuals and others that have invested or plan to invest or have been contacted with to invest in the new agr business hub in Saudi Arabia together with details of how partners were chosen and others excluded. Also please provide the value that partners have invested to date, how much they plan to invest and a contact person for each with either phone email
Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Alan Shaw

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From: Marie Cope -WLG
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Dear Alan

Thank you for your email of 30 May 2015 received by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) concerning an Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request. You requested the following information:

- a full list of all NZ agencies, companies and individuals and others that have invested or plan to invest or have been contacted with to invest in the new agribusiness hub in Saudi Arabia together with details of how partners were chosen and others excluded

- the value that partners have invested to date, how much they plan to invest and a contact person for each with either phone email

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within 20 working days of 30 May 2015 in accordance with the Act.

Yours sincerely

Marie Cope

Marie Cope
Ministerial Advisor

T +64 4 8168121
M +64 21 841 736

Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 2878, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is New Zealand's international business development agency. Our role is to help New Zealand businesses grow into international markets.

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From: Marie Cope -WLG
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

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Dear Alan


Thank you for your email of 30 May 2015 received by New Zealand Trade and
Enterprise (NZTE) concerning an Official Information Act 1982 (the Act)
request. You requested the following information:


·       a full list of all NZ agencies, companies and individuals and
others that have invested or plan to invest or have been contacted with to
invest in the new agribusiness hub in Saudi Arabia together with details
of how partners were chosen and others excluded


·       the value that partners have invested to date, how much they plan
to invest and a contact person for each with either phone email


The agribusiness hub in Saudi Arabia is part of a commercial farm, owned
and run by the Al Khalaf Group. No New Zealand agencies, companies or
individuals or others have invested, plan to invest or have been contacted
to invest in the agribusiness hub.  The $6m government investment has been
used to contract NZ company Brownrigg Agriculture (via an open tender
process) to develop a consortium of NZ companies to deliver goods and
services for the farm, providing them with an opportunity to demonstrate
their expertise and technologies in a commercial farm-setting in the Gulf.
An extra $1.5 million was spent on the sheep for breeding component.


The New Zealand companies providing goods and services to the Saudi
agribusiness hub are paid for their products and services.
Products/services from approximately 30 New Zealand companies have been
used in the agrihub, either directly or indirectly.


Yours sincerely

Marie Cope



Marie Cope T +64 4  M +64 21 841 736
Ministerial Advisor [3]Description:
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Description: Description: W Description:
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[Fixed]\Trade-&-Enterprise-Logo-BLK.png Y:\patrick\Desktop\NZTE
Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100
Willis Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 2878, Wellington 6140, New
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is New
Zealand's international business
development agency. Our role is to help
New Zealand businesses grow into
international markets.





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Things to do with this request

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