Capital Project Management System (CPMS) sheets

Cody C made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Christchurch City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Cody C

Dear Christchurch City Council,

Please supply the Capital Project Management System (CPMS) sheets that detail the background of capital projects.

Elected members have also advised that they too do not have access to these and have to ask for them individually each time (as required).

Happy to refine this request as the case may be.

Yours faithfully,

Cody C

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Christchurch City Council

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Kia ora Cody,


Thank you for your request for information. We are handling your request
under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Before I forward this request on to the appropriate Christchurch City
Council staff, can you please provide a list of the capital projects that
you would like the sheets for?


Once we have that information, we will provide a response or update within
20 working days of the date we received the refinement to your request. If
we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an
extension of that timeframe.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. If any additional
factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not
hesitate to contact me so that these can be taken into account.


If you have not had a reply within 10 working days, please email
[1][Christchurch City Council request email]


Kind regards,


Jess Griffin
Information Coordinator
Official Information








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From: Cody C

Dear Official Information,

Before I refine this request, can we please clarify first why these are not proactively released? It seems onerous to have to request these each time.

Yours sincerely,

Cody C

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Christchurch City Council

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Kia ora Cody,


I've just had a call with The Head of the programme management office to
ask him the below question and he's passed on that they have recently
stopped creating these CPMS sheets for each project. They've now been
replaced with the Orbviz tool that we linked to you last month during the
LTP submission period: [1]Capital spend by project | CCC Consultation for
Long Term Plan and Annual Plan - Projects | Christchurch City Council


This change comes from staff seeking to move away from a document heavy
system, and as all the same relevant information is available in Orbviz,
the added accessibility was determined to be preferrable. They also
confirmed that they will be keeping the tool online and available for the
public permanently to refer to as necessary.


With that in mind, I can confirm that the most recent CPMS sheets to be
requested are the ones from the previous annual plan. If you want any of
these, please let me know and I will request them for you. But as a heads
up, if you’re seeking CPMS sheets for any projects in this LTP, they
unfortunately do not exist. You can see all the information in the above
(linked) Orbvis tool though.


Let me know if you have any other questions 😊


Thank you,


Jess Griffin
Information Coordinator
Official Information







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Christchurch City Council

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Kia ora Cody,


I’m just following up on this one. Did you still require us to find some
of the older CPMS sheets for you, or can I close the LGOIMA based on the
information below?


Thank you,


Jess Griffin
Information Coordinator
Official Information







From: Official Information <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 2:51 PM
To: Cody C <[FOI #26767 email]>
Subject: RE: 1095810 | Capital Project Management System (CPMS) sheets | C


Kia ora Cody,


I've just had a call with The Head of the programme management office to
ask him the below question and he's passed on that they have recently
stopped creating these CPMS sheets for each project. They've now been
replaced with the Orbviz tool that we linked to you last month during the
LTP submission period: [1]Capital spend by project | CCC Consultation for
Long Term Plan and Annual Plan - Projects | Christchurch City Council


This change comes from staff seeking to move away from a document heavy
system, and as all the same relevant information is available in Orbviz,
the added accessibility was determined to be preferrable. They also
confirmed that they will be keeping the tool online and available for the
public permanently to refer to as necessary.


With that in mind, I can confirm that the most recent CPMS sheets to be
requested are the ones from the previous annual plan. If you want any of
these, please let me know and I will request them for you. But as a heads
up, if you’re seeking CPMS sheets for any projects in this LTP, they
unfortunately do not exist. You can see all the information in the above
(linked) Orbvis tool though.


Let me know if you have any other questions 😊


Thank you,


Jess Griffin
Information Coordinator
Official Information







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From: Cody C

Dear Jess,

I understand and appreciate what you are saying but sorry it doesn't really make any sense. The low-level of detail supplied (including in OrbViz) made it very hard to speak to my LTP submission accurately. I have given a few examples of questions that I had but could not speak to or query during the LTP, below.

While I don't expect you to answer all of these, I will refine my question to be "how did Councillors decide what to include, exclude or defer, without detailed CPMS data being available?".

This information should really be available on any line-item above, say, $50,000.

1) Memorial Ave Cycle Lanes. This is tentatively costing $9.8m. Is this for painted cycle lanes, a shared path or separated cycleways? I would have thought when planning to spend close to $10m we would have that kind of info available. Without even surface level information, how did staff arrive at this number?

2) Programme Mass Rapid Transit. What does this actually get us for $8m+? Presumably this isn't including any actual hard product (like buses or trains). Is this programme management costs? What will be the output of that programme? Is this partially recoverable from NZTA? We don't know, as there is literally no description for this activity (other than the title).

3) Cycle Connections & Connection Improvements. This appears to be a broad programme, costing a shade above $148k. In a recent response I was told that painting two driveways green would cost $30k. So, with this money (for example) we could afford to paint almost (but not quite) 10 driveways green - or not, as I have no idea what this is targeted for.

4) Cycle Connections - Quarryman's Trail ("Package of local cycleway links to the Quarryman's Trail Major Cycleway Route"). This is a specific area, targeted investment for $441k. Where are the package details? Where are these planned to go to / from? We saw above that just one roads cycle "lanes" (which we don't know if they are lanes or not) could cost close to $10m. What is $441k going to get us? Not a lot, going by the above - or maybe it might?

5) Major Cycleway - Little River Link Route Rail Crossing. This is a specific project, with a good description but a suspiciously round number of $1m. How did staff arrive at this number? This portion of MCR opened in mid-2017 but is only being raised as an issue now - why? Why is CCC paying for upgrades that allow KiwiRail trains to go faster? Is KiwiRail paying part of this? All of this despite the fact that we still cannot safely travel between LRL & QM MCR's - there are no cycling connections between the two - but ratepayers will now cough up millions more so that trains can go "vroom" more. Would this work not need doing for all the other crossings in the area?

6) $19m for new footpaths - where? Council collects millions in Development Contributions but then doesn't build out foot connections until sometimes years later. Is this being funded from Development Contributions?

Yours sincerely,

Cody C

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Christchurch City Council

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Kia ora Cody,


Thanks for getting back in touch. I understand your frustration and will
definitely get the answer to that confirmed question: "how did Councillors
decide what to include, exclude or defer, without detailed CPMS data being
available?" as well as pass on the feedback about the limited information
available now that we're exclusively using Orbviz.


I should be able to get answers to the other questions for you too, though
these may come through separately. Either way, you'll receive a response
on or before 24 June 2024.


Thank you,


Jess Griffin
Information Coordinator
Official Information







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Things to do with this request

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