Dr Ben Cheesman - Association and Work History to Corporation

Anthony Jordan made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation

The request was refused by Accident Compensation Corporation.

From: Anthony Jordan

Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,

Please Provide the following:

1/ Has the Dr in question held any position or contract overseeing any aspect of the Corporations functioning in the capacity of a 'National Manager/Overseer/Advisory Consultant or the like

2/ Please disclose whether Dr Cheesman, to the best of the Corporations knowledge, is associated with or is Director of any private vocational/rehabilitation or publicly funded vocational/rehabilitation service

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Jordan

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

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Dear Mr Jordan,


Please find attached a letter advising you that ACC needs more time to
consider your request for information.



Government Services



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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dear Mr Jordan,


ACC has prepared a response to your request for information. However, it
has made the decision to provide the response via the postal service. We
do have a postal address for you from a previous response. Please could
you advise if the address is still valid by emailing
[1][email address].


Kind regards,

Government Services



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1. mailto:[email address]

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From: Anthony Jordan

Dear Government Services,

Please provide reference to part of OI Act that prohibits this disclosure via this website

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Jordan

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dear Mr Jordan,

Thank you for your email.

Section 16(2)(c) of the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), allows an organisation to make information available in a way other than the preferred method of the requestor if it would prejudice an interest in sections 6, 7 or 9.

The information you have requested contains personal information about a third party. ACC’s view is that releasing the information on the FYI website would prejudice those third party privacy interests.

ACC also refers you to the Office of the Ombudsman's guide titled Official Information request made by twitter and facebook. At page five of the guide, the Office notes:

Note that different consideration can come into play when releasing information to the world at large, as opposed to releasing information to a particular requester. For instance, privacy concerns in the former context may be heightened. Therefore, quite apart from any practical considerations, there may be other legitimate reasons why an agency would prefer to make information directly available to a particular requester, rather than post it online for all the world to see.

Government Services

show quoted sections

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From: Anthony Jordan

Dear Government Services,

Many thanks for prompt reply. I confirm address used in previous request is address for postal reply ie Cambridge.

Would the corporation please advise of consequences should this information, and OI act replies in general supplied via post, end up in the general public arena.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Jordan

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From: Anthony Jordan

Dear Government Services,

Thank you for your response via post. Without making a further FYI request, could the following please be answered.

1/ Does the ACC allow for discloser in hard copy form with restrictions on further discloser by individual requesting such information? Given the nature of an Impairment, viewing information at Waikato Branch, nor any other Branch, isn't cognitively practical nor suitable for the purpose intended for.therefore I cannot retain information in a way retrieval or reliable for further reference.

2/ Given the contents of postal reply dated 27 November 2014 holds no personal information, please bring to attention the content which justifies FYI exclusion

It is commendable the ACC takes such initiatives and discretion to protect privacy, however atleast to a layman, to respond via post without further 'rebuttal' could imply a conspiracy of soughts by the Corp. Rest assured, any information requested via FYI etc, atleast by the writer, is not intended for malicious/vindictive or physical harm to any individual or agency in question.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Jordan

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Things to do with this request

Accident Compensation Corporation only: