Information pertaining to the use of security cameras in mental health inpatient facilities.

Miss Black made this Official Information request to South Canterbury District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Miss Black

Dear South Canterbury District Health Board,

I am currently researching best practice in regards to security at adult mental health inpatient units across the country. Particularly looking at the use of security cameras within mental health inpatient units.
To assist with this I would like to request:

Does the South Canterbury “Kensington” inpatient unit currently have security cameras operating with the hospital area?

I am define hospital area as including: the reception area, main patient leisure areas, occupational therapy spaces, seclusion rooms, intensive care or high dependency areas.
This excludes any cameras operating outside of the inpatient unit treatment areas such as car parks, public hospital grounds.

If the inpatient unit does have cameras operating may you please provide the following information:
2.a) When were the cameras installed?
2.b) Where are the cameras are located?
2.c) How many cameras are operating?
2.d) “Seclusion, Restraint, and Assault” reporting data for one year prior to the installation of any security cameras.
2.e) “Seclusion, Restraint, and Assault” reporting data for one year after the installation of any security cameras.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in providing the above information.

Karyn Black

Miss Black

Link to this

From: Sarah Tester
South Canterbury District Health Board

Attachment image001.jpg
5K Download

Hi Karyn


Thank you for your Official Information Act enquiry relating to security
cameras in mental health . I can confirm that it has been received and is
currently being processed.


Best wishes




Sarah Tester

Administrator - Quality, Safety and Communications

South Canterbury District Health Board

Level 4, Gardens Block

Private Bag 911, Timaru

(03) 687 2100 Ext: 8290

[1][email address]



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From: Sarah Tester
South Canterbury District Health Board

Attachment image001.jpg
5K Download

Attachment 068.17 Mental Health Security Cameras.pdf
240K Download View as HTML

Dear Karyn


Please see attached a formal response to your  Official Information Act
request regarding mental health inpatient unit security cameras.  


Best wishes



Sarah Tester

Administrator - Quality, Safety and Communications

South Canterbury District Health Board

Level 4, Gardens Block

Private Bag 911, Timaru

(03) 687 2100 Ext: 8290

[1][email address]



[2]SCDHB Logo master rgb


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Things to do with this request

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