New Zealand Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal

john luke made this Official Information request to Ministry of Defence

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Could you please advise progress for the establishment of a New Zealand Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal as described in the petition of Thomas Peter Alan Ward and the submission heard in parliament in July 2017.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: Information
Ministry of Defence

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Dear Mr Luke

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. Please find attached a transfer letter.

Kind regards

Ministry of Defence


-----Original Message-----
From: john luke [mailto:[FOI #9205 email]]
Sent: Friday, 7 December 2018 10:38 a.m.
To: Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - New Zealand Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Could you please advise progress for the establishment of a New Zealand Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal as described in the petition of Thomas Peter Alan Ward and the submission heard in parliament in July 2017.

Yours faithfully,

john luke


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From: john luke

Dear Team,

Can you please let me know the updates of my request.

Yours sincerely,

john luke

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From: Ministerial Services

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Dear Mr Luke,
Your request to the Ministry of Defence for progress on the establishment
of a New Zealand Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal as described in the
petition of Thomas Peter Alan Ward was transferred to the New Zealand
Defence Force (NZDF) on 14 December 2018.
The NZDF and the Honours Unit, Cabinet Office, are working together to
develop advice for the Government on how humanitarian and disaster relief
service could be recognised. This work is in its initial stages. Once this
work is further progressed the input of the non-government organisation
community will be sought.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force
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the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not
necessarily the official views or opinions of the New Zealand Defence
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Alan Ward left an annotation ()

To John Luke,
Thank you John for the support you are giving to this project. Clearly you understand the outstanding contribution that many New Zealanders are making to Government sponsored humanitarian projects as individuals and through various NGOs including Police and Fire services etc.
Recognition from New Zealand as a country, by way of a Humanitarian Service Medal may be a quiet way to thank these people for their dedication.
Best regards
T P Alan Ward

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Andrew Cameron left an annotation ()

To John Luke,
Thank you for your valiant endeavours with this very worthwhile project. Plainly you have a good comprehension of the situation many non-NZDF personnel have been subjected to overseas, be it bushfire, earthquake or conflict for example, where lives have been at considerable risk, and even lost. Many of my Red Cross colleagues have suffered greatly on the battlefield (unarmed of course) picking up the pieces (literally), tending the sick, wounded and detained. Their contribution to humankind often goes unnoticed. Thank you for pursuing petitioner Alan Ward’s aim of establishing medallic recognition for Overseas Humanitarian Service by recognised groups of New Zealanders.
Andrew Cameron
(Red Cross International aid-worker)

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Alan Ward left an annotation ()

The submission to establish recognition for Overseas Humanitarian Service was introduced into the House by DR Shane Reti MP and accepted by all parties in the New Zealand Parliament in 2017. The intention of the HOSM was to recognize New Zealanders who had served their country in Humanitarian Service under a New Zealand Government approved project.
I understand that part of the delay in moving this award forward is 'Determining the Element of Risk'. The HOSM is intended to be a 'Service Award' and clearly an element of risk does occur when working in areas of 'armed conflict' or in dangerous health areas (Ebola).
In the light of the recently released events concerning Louisa Akavi in Syria, the 'Element of Risk' must be startling clear.
Many New Zealand Humanitarian delegates have been in areas where gunfire is almost considered normal and have needed to take care of their personal safety.

Alan Ward

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john luke left an annotation ()

Thank you Alan, that is a great update.

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Alan Ward left an annotation ()

Hello again John,
Just to advise that following my request to the Hon Ron Mark on 13th July 1918, I received a reply dated 1st October 2018 advising me that the HOSM project was in the initial stages.

I made a further inquiry to Michael Webster, Clerk of the
Executive Council, on 23rd November 2018. I received a reply on 20th December 2018.
The reply contained the paragraph, "We understand that you have already had advice from the Minister of Defense and the Cabinet Office are working together on this matter, and that work is in its initial Stages".

This deserving award has been before the Honors Committee for a considerable time, during which period our citizens continue to provide humanitarian assistance overseas. There does not appear to be positive progress from a Government position at this time. Any further advice would be welcome.

Best regards

Alan Ward

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john luke left an annotation ()

Thank you Alan for your updates.

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Alan Ward left an annotation ()

Hello John,
Thank you for your effort so far. There does not appear to be any positive action being made by the Honors Committee. I can not understand why they appear to be reluctant to progress this award.
Andrew Cameron has a similar situation with his 'Greater Middle East' petition and submission.
Can we get this to the Prime Minister or Ombudsman.
Best Regards
Alan Ward

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john luke left an annotation ()

Hi Allan, that’s write to the PM and all the MPs.

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